

Welcome to The True Word of God Church.
(We are a works in progress so please check back regularly for updates)

After attending Bible School, I was ordained.  I didn't fully understand the ordination requirement by the Internal Revenue Service but knew that it was necessary. And neither did I understand the strong feeling I had to seek ordination. Now I know that it was The Holy Spirit preparing me for my new journey.

I also didn't understand much of the teachings during Bible School. Most "old Christians" would say that I was just a "baby Christian" and would grow in time. I was very confused on many issues pertaining to the Bible that applied to our daily lives. The confusion included (but not limited to) the Truths listed on the right side of this page.

And then I remembered hearing the song "Peace in the Valley." 
         Well the bear will be gentle,
         And the wolves will be tame,
         And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh yes,
         And the beasts of the wild shall be led by a child,
         And I'll be changed from this creature that I am
That coincided perfectly with me being a "Baby Christian."

Then I knew. Then I knew why God had spared my life for 67 years before I became a Christian. He had groomed me all my life to serve Him now in an unconventional manner. After all, I had spent most of my 23 years in the U S Army as a "Green Beret." And as you know, the Green Berets are unconventional soldiers.

I quickly realized why many things that had happened in the past two or three years had been God's plan for me to grow and to start a church that has NO man made doctrines. You see, when I became a Christian, I brought NO BAGGAGE. I truly knew very little about any one religion or church. When I filled out the application for Bible School, there was a question on the form  "When were you saved?"  I had NO idea what it meant!

Today, as the Senior Pastor of The True Word of God Church, I know how little I know about "religion." But I treat that as a blessing. This let's me understand the confusion created by many super pastors who stick to traditional church doctrines not supported by scripture.

Every time I discover a truth that is in the Bible and is taught in VERY FEW, if any,  churches, I jump with joy. I realize that it is not my discovery, but that it is the Holy Spirit leading me to truths whch I must teach others. And to undo the confusion and lead other "baby Christians" back to God as well as bring in, and keep, new sheep for Him.

Our church doctrine is based strictly on Bible scriptures. If it isn't in the scriptures, it isn't-period.

Some theologians call it "Sola Scriptura." And, of course, this is unorthdox. Before the Holy Spirit touched my heart, I sincerely wanted to be "orthodox." You know, be like the other guys. Then I realized my calling was to teach and preach the truth no matter what the cost. After all I will be building my treasures in Heaven, not here on earth.

I find it appalling the number of professed pastors and evangelists who continue to teach and preach bona-fide lies to their congregations. I encourage them, and pray that they will find the truth so they will be set free. Even though that freedom may come at a price, the Bible says that God will provide. Get free- Trust God.

I pray that you and your family will understand that the Church that Jesus built was simple, pure, and true. I pray that the truths found on this website will lead you and yours back to God- not back to a church built on man-made traditions.

That is NOT to say that you should not go back to your church. It is to say that when you go, be armed with the truth and help your lost pastor find his way. Your pastor is a mere man trying to survive on a daily basis. He has a Board of Directors to account to. You should NEVER trust his word until you prove it by scripture. Scripture is the Word of God and is to be trusted always.

If you are new to the church scene and seek understanding about life and your purpose in this world, welcome!

You are starting at a good place. We will teach you only what is in scripture. We won't read between the lines and make personal interpretations. If we err, it will be on the Bible side of truth- not on manmade historical doctrines or interpretations.

The Bible is VERY clear on all but a few points. Some things take a bit more study. God is a prolific writer. Later, in your walk with God, He will clarify many confusing points. Meanwhile, keep it basic, simple, and learn the truth. You don't need a degree in Theology to understand the Bible. Just give your heart to God and He will do the rest.

God Bless

Jimmie Walden